"When you truly want something in life, the whole universe helps you in achieving it."
This is something that I read when I was just seven. At that time, my immature mind could not sum up the meaning of these few meagre words. How can the whole universe help one single person to rise to the heights of his achievement? Aren't people supposed to be selfish? But, now ten years later, I can fully understand the depth of this sentence. When we truly want something, we work hard to gain it, we fully maximize our potential and abilities to attain that accessory. Our whole life is centered on that one objective. It haunts us in our dreams, our thoughts, almost the very being of our soul. And, after all this, when we are unable to achieve it, we gloom about in the misery of it, clanging our heavy, imaginary chains like the begot ted old Scrooge. The ghosts come and haunt us, one by one, to remind us of our failure, of our unworthiness. We feel as if a part of us has been torn away, broken, lying away in some bloody mess. You blame yourself, giving yourself no mercy. Others look at you with pity in their eyes, not talking about it and you hate them. Hate them for not understanding how your life is totally over, about adopting a smile-and-move-on type of behaviour when you are going through a very traumatic phase of your life. You especially hate them for NOT talking to you about it.
What you don't think about is, what is going to happen after this? Will I go on weeping for my lost beloved till I'm 30? Or am I gonna carry on even after that. We read the famous saying a thousand times, but always forget about it when we need it the most : "When one door is closed, many more doors open."

So, that is what we should all do. Smile hard, laugh more, worry less and live long!
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