I can hardly believe it! I am at last free from that damned, stupid test! No late-night cramming, no listening to PJ *Go and study*, no lecture's from sis *Is that the way to study?*, no loathsome books in my room (the first best thing I did right after I came was to junk 'em in the store-that's where they belong torturous devils!), the grass is looking much greener (that's what they say-the grass is always greener on the other side!), sky is looking much bluer, sun shining brighter, food tastes greater, no, study, study, study, study is finished! Yesssssssssssss!!
My room is looking a LOT cleaner with those books gone. Now I can truly relax and do stuff which I have been yearning to do for so long! And at last have time for myself. I was really planning to write a lot as the test (or rather say testS) have drained a lot of my energy. And the fact that I did not get in does so not change my plans. My family's happy that I at least got into a medical school (not that I wanted to) but as long as they are satisfied, I'm too, why give a shit about any one else?!
I did not feel a thing when the result came, it was inevitable and I was expecting it so no expectations, no tears. Rather, I was much relieved that I won't even have the tension accumulating inside me now that I know where I stand. That is gone and I am again a care-free and tension-free person that I was before! Yaay!
Even if I do feel down about something, I just need to talk to my sis or call up my best pal Anthony. Both of them immediately make things right again!
About today, I just sat in front of the computer and watched a dozen movies ( The Secret Window, Jurassic Park, 27 Dresses) and PJ did not say anything! Usually she says about a hundred.
So, nowadays, I plan to spend a lot of time with my family and yes, that includes my cats also. During those torturous days, I only met them when I got to fed them. Other than that, I did'nt have time! And Physics, Chem and Biology have rotted my brain so much that I can hardly think!
Sometimes, one can really guess how hectic studies are. Constantly, you are reminded of the fact that you have to go and study. Even the talk of it makes me want to vomit! The routine seriously gets totally disabled during "those" days. You get up at 7 kicked by your sister out of bed, have a biiig breakfast under her watchful eye and finally sit miserably at your desk while watching your devilish sister contently get into bed and go to sleep. While you suffer on......
Just today, I woke up with a feeling of sounding premonition and doom. For a minute I just sat there like a dummy, trying to figure out why was I feeling as if surrounded by dementors when suddenly it hit me...I didn't have to study anymore! I can do what I want to do today! Surfing the net, reading a book....anything! My patronus had chased away the dementors! No need of hiding Harry Potter inside my text-book, no lectures about why I'm not studying, I'm freeee, I'm freeee, I'm freeeeeeeee...........! At last, but now that I have gotten into the insufferable bondage named 'Medical' and made the 'Unbreakable Vow', I guess my sister will be a lot harder on me in the matter of studies than she was before! And as much as I can party right now, I can hardly keep the reality from hitting me that the foreign looking objects in my sisters cupboard, on which I once upon a time used to gag on, are going to be cracked open very hesitantly by me! And reminded of my sisters quips in the past *Don't make that kind of face you WILL have to read them one day!* and while she pipes up *OMG! I'm going to study this today! I can hardly wait!* with me looking on with utter disbelieve (that is she going a bit wacko? But, seriously, I do live with some weird people!), then I can't really say that I wasn't warned........