I spelled Kitty F-R-I-E-N-D
I spelled Kitty F-R-I-E-N-D
With her tail in the air, she would pass me by
rubbing her body with my blue jeans
ensuring the relationship to be lasting
her fur contains something that sticks to me forever
and no matter where I go, she can always smell
and know I'm her person
I spelled Kitty F-A-M-I-L-Y
How true is it that cats incorporate themselves
into the bread of our mix
into the bindings of the blood that rages like fire
through our veins
but the blood she shared
ran deeper than any ocean or river
present on this planet
I spelled Kitty L-O-V-E
Spiralled on my pillow
I found her hair today
On my sweater, my notebook
It came as a shock
because I know she's gone
Her past still lingers
in this administrable air
That unheard meow hangs deeper
as it radiates through my system
I spelled Kitty F-O-R-E-V-E-R
She had always been there
on my bed, in the garden, rolling in the sun
It feels empty
like the moon, hanging in the sky all by itself
the stars have somehow forgotten to accompany it
And I feel the moon looking at me
like it feels the same way I feel
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