Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Yesterday I saw
a pigeon and a crow
sitting on the edge
of my window ledge
in perfect harmony of peace
they continued to enjoy each others
pleasant company
Why can't it be the same with humans?
The beings Allah created to be superior
Our status in the hierarchy is supreme
like the specks of stars glittered in the night sky

Yesterday I saw a black man applying for a job
His skin shining like polished marble with his confident aura
of education and simplicity
His resume, I did look at
was like the earth, whose light the moon steals to light up like a lamp

He did not get the job
His color was noticed, discussed in pieces
It was too dark to read his resume

On Saturday, I saw a beautiful black woman ask for a doughnut
And the man looked at her and went
"Sorry, we're all out"
And I could spy seven  doughnuts all ready to be bought and eaten
The woman took out some money and said," Look I can pay for a single doughnut "
And the man looked at her money and shook his head
in a perfect symmetry of discrimination and prejudice

Today I saw a lady, carrying her first child in her belly
like a proud woman with a full hammock
A black man asked for some money
To which she shook her head in a perfect symmetry of racial hate
I could imagine that woman thinking, my child is going to become a surgeon
Or a lawyer or a famous writer
Oh, how I wanted to shake her up and tell her
Lady, if you keep doing what you just did
Your child is going to become a racist
who will break someones heart someday just like
you broke that poor black man's heart

The pigeon and the crow
are still sitting
on the edge of my ledge
in great triangles of yins and yangs
They are not fighting
nor are they judging
They are animals, as some may sneer
Above all our indecent idiosyncrasies
If we could get an X-ray of a racist
I'm sure it would be seen black and carcinogenic
with the malignancy of hate
And no matter how much chemo you give to this cancer patient
The days of cure are way behind him

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