There comes a time when your erratic aunt feels the sudden need to visit her very old friend whom she once sat with in school days. And ofcourse you are the person to accompany her. Preparations are made, calling her up (not a very difficult task for your aunt), deciding which day would be best to visit, telling the driver in advance the date and time of your sojourn (which he very needlessly asks) and then you are free to sit down and mull over your decision to go *When did I even agree to go? In my sleep??* but not wanting to depress your aunt and for the sake of her tears, you hange the noose around your neck. Alas, the fated day arrives, you think that you are just making a big deal out of it. Just sit there like a mannequin, smile and nod at the right times and try to look real bored and pass on signals to aunt that its time to go. Easy enough, done that loads of times before.No harm in doing so and if you disagree, there will be much more painful music for your ears to hear, thus you head out the door with her pondering over your examination days. One of your aunts major tasks? Getting lost. Thus, it takes about an hour to reach the destination which could have been done in thirty minutes. You are greeted and then taken into a large living room. Without any furthur ado, your aunt and her friend lapse into a deep discussion which you are certain will not only put you but your cat to sleep. You sit and start dreaming about your crush when the freind asks if you would like anything to drink? "A pepsi would be nice but do bring out some cold pakola if you have any", you would have liked to say out loud but ofcourse can't. Your aunt is pursuading her friend not to bring out anything while you stare in horror at her, trying not to look too obvious *What? One hour in the sweltering heat and nothing to eat in this claustrophobic place? Where is the justice in there??* But fortunately God was on your side and the lady goes into the kitchen to get some refreshments while you grab the chance to tell your aunt to hurry and eat and run!
Expectations grow as the friend takes a long time to come back from the kitchen and you start to feel happy that atleast SOMEthing paid of from this visit but alas! All you eyes greet is a tray carrying biscuits you hate and tea! You never drink tea unless at night to study! You munch on a soggy biscuit while refusing to drink the brown stuff but failing to do so. The lady is literally begging you to eat the sour biscuits, irritatingly *No! I don't wanto to eat them! Why don't you just leave me alone??!*, thus gaining inspiration that you'll never treat your guests the way she does *No fair getting down on your knees, please eat those stale, maggot-ridden biscuits, I've been wanting to get rid of them for so long*. And as my sister says, "Khaao nahin to maar dein gay" (If you don't eat, we'll kill you!)
After masticatiing and with much difficulty, swallowing the inedible stuff and a sip of the scalding, milk-ridden tea, you finally think it's time to go. But not your aunt. Totally ignoring you, she sits like an attentive student towards her friend. You think, she could'nt have paid THIS much attention in class towards the teacher as much as she does now! Just then, perhaps catching a depressed look upon your face, the lady makes an effort to introduce you to her children. You are in no mood for socializing but give way like a defeated barrier. And what is more to boost you? A couple of *whiny and loud* toddlers. What a way to spend a Saturday afternoon! You think you could have had much fun giving an examination than this. And what a thrilling way to torture someone! You think this woman could earn her pocket-money by opening a fresh torture-chamber in her basement. Or was this a method of driving away guests?
At last, the horrendous evening! ended and as you sail away thankfully in the car with your aunt who pipes up, "My! I enjoyed a lot today! Looks like you also got a bit spry and verdant because of the visit! We'll go again next week okay? And you can't help but laugh and laugh and laugh............
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Monday, 31 October 2011
I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
I can hardly believe it! I am at last free from that damned, stupid test! No late-night cramming, no listening to PJ *Go and study*, no lecture's from sis *Is that the way to study?*, no loathsome books in my room (the first best thing I did right after I came was to junk 'em in the store-that's where they belong torturous devils!), the grass is looking much greener (that's what they say-the grass is always greener on the other side!), sky is looking much bluer, sun shining brighter, food tastes greater, no, study, study, study, study is finished! Yesssssssssssss!!
My room is looking a LOT cleaner with those books gone. Now I can truly relax and do stuff which I have been yearning to do for so long! And at last have time for myself. I was really planning to write a lot as the test (or rather say testS) have drained a lot of my energy. And the fact that I did not get in does so not change my plans. My family's happy that I at least got into a medical school (not that I wanted to) but as long as they are satisfied, I'm too, why give a shit about any one else?!
I did not feel a thing when the result came, it was inevitable and I was expecting it so no expectations, no tears. Rather, I was much relieved that I won't even have the tension accumulating inside me now that I know where I stand. That is gone and I am again a care-free and tension-free person that I was before! Yaay!
Even if I do feel down about something, I just need to talk to my sis or call up my best pal Anthony. Both of them immediately make things right again!
About today, I just sat in front of the computer and watched a dozen movies ( The Secret Window, Jurassic Park, 27 Dresses) and PJ did not say anything! Usually she says about a hundred.
So, nowadays, I plan to spend a lot of time with my family and yes, that includes my cats also. During those torturous days, I only met them when I got to fed them. Other than that, I did'nt have time! And Physics, Chem and Biology have rotted my brain so much that I can hardly think!
Sometimes, one can really guess how hectic studies are. Constantly, you are reminded of the fact that you have to go and study. Even the talk of it makes me want to vomit! The routine seriously gets totally disabled during "those" days. You get up at 7 kicked by your sister out of bed, have a biiig breakfast under her watchful eye and finally sit miserably at your desk while watching your devilish sister contently get into bed and go to sleep. While you suffer on......
Just today, I woke up with a feeling of sounding premonition and doom. For a minute I just sat there like a dummy, trying to figure out why was I feeling as if surrounded by dementors when suddenly it hit me...I didn't have to study anymore! I can do what I want to do today! Surfing the net, reading a book....anything! My patronus had chased away the dementors! No need of hiding Harry Potter inside my text-book, no lectures about why I'm not studying, I'm freeee, I'm freeee, I'm freeeeeeeee...........! At last, but now that I have gotten into the insufferable bondage named 'Medical' and made the 'Unbreakable Vow', I guess my sister will be a lot harder on me in the matter of studies than she was before! And as much as I can party right now, I can hardly keep the reality from hitting me that the foreign looking objects in my sisters cupboard, on which I once upon a time used to gag on, are going to be cracked open very hesitantly by me! And reminded of my sisters quips in the past *Don't make that kind of face you WILL have to read them one day!* and while she pipes up *OMG! I'm going to study this today! I can hardly wait!* with me looking on with utter disbelieve (that is she going a bit wacko? But, seriously, I do live with some weird people!), then I can't really say that I wasn't warned........
I can hardly believe it! I am at last free from that damned, stupid test! No late-night cramming, no listening to PJ *Go and study*, no lecture's from sis *Is that the way to study?*, no loathsome books in my room (the first best thing I did right after I came was to junk 'em in the store-that's where they belong torturous devils!), the grass is looking much greener (that's what they say-the grass is always greener on the other side!), sky is looking much bluer, sun shining brighter, food tastes greater, no, study, study, study, study is finished! Yesssssssssssss!!
My room is looking a LOT cleaner with those books gone. Now I can truly relax and do stuff which I have been yearning to do for so long! And at last have time for myself. I was really planning to write a lot as the test (or rather say testS) have drained a lot of my energy. And the fact that I did not get in does so not change my plans. My family's happy that I at least got into a medical school (not that I wanted to) but as long as they are satisfied, I'm too, why give a shit about any one else?!
I did not feel a thing when the result came, it was inevitable and I was expecting it so no expectations, no tears. Rather, I was much relieved that I won't even have the tension accumulating inside me now that I know where I stand. That is gone and I am again a care-free and tension-free person that I was before! Yaay!
Even if I do feel down about something, I just need to talk to my sis or call up my best pal Anthony. Both of them immediately make things right again!
About today, I just sat in front of the computer and watched a dozen movies ( The Secret Window, Jurassic Park, 27 Dresses) and PJ did not say anything! Usually she says about a hundred.
So, nowadays, I plan to spend a lot of time with my family and yes, that includes my cats also. During those torturous days, I only met them when I got to fed them. Other than that, I did'nt have time! And Physics, Chem and Biology have rotted my brain so much that I can hardly think!
Sometimes, one can really guess how hectic studies are. Constantly, you are reminded of the fact that you have to go and study. Even the talk of it makes me want to vomit! The routine seriously gets totally disabled during "those" days. You get up at 7 kicked by your sister out of bed, have a biiig breakfast under her watchful eye and finally sit miserably at your desk while watching your devilish sister contently get into bed and go to sleep. While you suffer on......
Just today, I woke up with a feeling of sounding premonition and doom. For a minute I just sat there like a dummy, trying to figure out why was I feeling as if surrounded by dementors when suddenly it hit me...I didn't have to study anymore! I can do what I want to do today! Surfing the net, reading a book....anything! My patronus had chased away the dementors! No need of hiding Harry Potter inside my text-book, no lectures about why I'm not studying, I'm freeee, I'm freeee, I'm freeeeeeeee...........! At last, but now that I have gotten into the insufferable bondage named 'Medical' and made the 'Unbreakable Vow', I guess my sister will be a lot harder on me in the matter of studies than she was before! And as much as I can party right now, I can hardly keep the reality from hitting me that the foreign looking objects in my sisters cupboard, on which I once upon a time used to gag on, are going to be cracked open very hesitantly by me! And reminded of my sisters quips in the past *Don't make that kind of face you WILL have to read them one day!* and while she pipes up *OMG! I'm going to study this today! I can hardly wait!* with me looking on with utter disbelieve (that is she going a bit wacko? But, seriously, I do live with some weird people!), then I can't really say that I wasn't warned........
Monday, 24 October 2011
Study, study, study......and did I say Study?!
At times I sit back and think, where have I been for the past one year? And the answer is always : Buried in my books! Literally buried inside them, decomposed and rotting like a piece of mold-eaten lasagna. Since the beginning of 2011 and even before that!, I was locked away in my hall, studying the hours away, winters were hot tea, my blanket with my cat curled up beside me and my books. New Year's eve passed away in the Law's of Thermodynamics and the damned structure of Benzene. Because of my incessant studying, I developed a chronic pain in my neck and my lower back which has since always made me roll my head every few seconds which is a total joke in my family, *Stop rolling your head like that! What will other people think about it, as if I really care about what other people think!*
Even after my exams, after a mere 24 hours of freedom, I was again forced to touch (with a 1000 volt electric shock!) those disgusting books. And, totally forgetting the first year systematics....calling up my friends, *hey know how to do mass to volume?*........and receiving the same reply from the other end. Tea has become the bane of my existence, since November 2010. Tea always perks up my drooping eyes and allows me to concentrate. In about a week I'm gonna be giving my DOW test, for which I have been slaving away since April! Since April!! Where is the justice in that?! And I'm not bluffing, I used to wake up at Fajar each day, sat down to study and believe it or not, I also used to study at night. A few days were spent at Anthony's (my best buddy) house and at her cousin's wedding in early September "trying" to relax while constantly going over and over what I had studied in my mind, with Aunt (make that PJ) calling hour after hour *Is Nabeela studying?? Is Nabeela studying??* PJ, don't you think you're increasing the phone bill calling to make sure I'm glued to those hellish books?
So, now I don't really care, I mean I'm not making it a life or death experience, which I have before and totally driven my self crazy over it, so no more. I get in, fine excellent, I don't get in.....OK! No need for a brain hemorrhage! And it's not a case of sour grapes, to anyone who is reading this!
The past six months have not entirely been hellish. I used to study at night with my sister who had her exams at that time and it was great fun. I could ask her anything that I didn't understand right there and then and I also saw a couple of movies also like 'The House of Wax', 'Freaky Friday', 'Monster-in-Law' etc.
I like to study but the few days before a test are nightmarish. Also I get tensed really very easily so the queasy look on my face is enough to tell my family *Don't ask about my prep, I'll throw up over you!*
The days in April to those in early September were really great, I was stuck in a kind of limbo, even though having fun, I was constantly reminding my self that this studying is for a test and that is the moment my self-confidence runs out! How strange rite? You're studying happily and learning well until someone reminds you, this is for a TEST! And that is where all the happiness and memorisation gets sucked out of you. TEST is an acronym for------>
T ime to
E rase
S tudent's
T hought process
So, what I'm trying to do is relax, think positive and trying to erase the TEST word from my mind before it erases my thought process!
Even after my exams, after a mere 24 hours of freedom, I was again forced to touch (with a 1000 volt electric shock!) those disgusting books. And, totally forgetting the first year systematics....calling up my friends, *hey know how to do mass to volume?*........and receiving the same reply from the other end. Tea has become the bane of my existence, since November 2010. Tea always perks up my drooping eyes and allows me to concentrate. In about a week I'm gonna be giving my DOW test, for which I have been slaving away since April! Since April!! Where is the justice in that?! And I'm not bluffing, I used to wake up at Fajar each day, sat down to study and believe it or not, I also used to study at night. A few days were spent at Anthony's (my best buddy) house and at her cousin's wedding in early September "trying" to relax while constantly going over and over what I had studied in my mind, with Aunt (make that PJ) calling hour after hour *Is Nabeela studying?? Is Nabeela studying??* PJ, don't you think you're increasing the phone bill calling to make sure I'm glued to those hellish books?
So, now I don't really care, I mean I'm not making it a life or death experience, which I have before and totally driven my self crazy over it, so no more. I get in, fine excellent, I don't get in.....OK! No need for a brain hemorrhage! And it's not a case of sour grapes, to anyone who is reading this!
The past six months have not entirely been hellish. I used to study at night with my sister who had her exams at that time and it was great fun. I could ask her anything that I didn't understand right there and then and I also saw a couple of movies also like 'The House of Wax', 'Freaky Friday', 'Monster-in-Law' etc.
I like to study but the few days before a test are nightmarish. Also I get tensed really very easily so the queasy look on my face is enough to tell my family *Don't ask about my prep, I'll throw up over you!*
The days in April to those in early September were really great, I was stuck in a kind of limbo, even though having fun, I was constantly reminding my self that this studying is for a test and that is the moment my self-confidence runs out! How strange rite? You're studying happily and learning well until someone reminds you, this is for a TEST! And that is where all the happiness and memorisation gets sucked out of you. TEST is an acronym for------>
T ime to
E rase
S tudent's
T hought process
So, what I'm trying to do is relax, think positive and trying to erase the TEST word from my mind before it erases my thought process!
Monday, 17 October 2011
Too's Monday!
It's Monday! The day every thing has to go wacko! Time to get up, bear the brunt of my sister's grunts *Oh why is it Monday already* while burning her eggs. Time to feed my babies Kitty and Tiger while trying to kill the obstinate rampage of cockroaches in the kitchen. As soon as I sit down to catch my breath, the door bell rings, the maid has arrived rather late, what a lot this mornin brings. 9 am! Got to wake up my aunt before the bank closes and to prepare her tea while dodging the ever-irritating lizard living in the dishes like a king. Attending my sister's call at 1, she has had enough of her classes already, starvin like a cockroach, I tell her, dude you gotta wait till 4 pm, she screams, that is bout like hours away ten! And what's on the menu? Served lentils right on cue!......And nothin else. Cause, it's Monday! Sunday is the "Funday" when something good is cooked. Black Monday is not called Black Monday for nothin. The maid is nagging to go cause on MONday she always leaves at 11...which leaves my hyper-active aunt to cook the roti's....cause it's Monday. At last, big sis arrives and stares open-mouthed at the yellowish-green daal dripping on her plate *Yesterday's biryani already digested on account of her question about it *, opening a packet of biscuits I would never eat even in the Sahara to control my sister's appetite....and mine. Trying to drowse the day off rather than making a stab at it, missing the 5 'o' clock alarm *I made my OWN tea today thank you very much* listening to aunt and trying to groan mutely at the same time. At last, Evening is here, other half of the day almost near. Trying to help aunt in the kitchen, listening to the never ending litany : made-my-own-tea-today while humming Green Day's 'Wake me up when September ends' and wondering that the independent tea story has grown rather old synonymous to once-upon-a-time. Eating dinner while listening to sister *None of my friends came today, looks like they are still sleeping through the weekend* ....cause it's Monday!....With the tea story still in the background music history. Grandmama eats silently, reliving the visit of her son since yesterday and worrying about the new dishes *10 months old* getting dirty. Monday has a silently secret bliss, no washing up, expecting the maid to arrive late! but will hopefully do the dishes, unless aunt takes pity on her *Leave it I'll do it...poor thing*. She goes off to see if Ash and Abhi are parents yet and sis off to surf the world and travel places.....on the internet, while grandmama fretting about the maid coming late or not coming at all! Ah grandmama,if only you knew tomorrow's TUESday, it won't be half as bad if she does not come. As for me, drunk as rum, I rest my head against my bed and think, Oh the bliss, to relive this day again after six days, and an important start-of-the-week day it is.....and very hard to miss!
Friday, 14 October 2011
And They Lived Happily Ever After.........
Yesterday, I watched a movie which had me in fits. Which should tell you that it was Indian and it was supposed to be "serious". Nearly every Indian movie has only one story-line which clearly marks the beginings and endings of "When Harry met Sally". This movie which I saw was no more different than its companions but its mere ending was so stupid (yes, I'm using the word stupid), that I can't believe the director of the film went through such a hard time making it if he just had to end it like he did'nt care anymore. Maybe he just decided to end it all for the sake of an "ending" or converted it into an ugly version of a hollywood movie. That is the message the viewers will get if they waste their time on it. The initial story-line is the same as all: Boy meets girl and girl meets boy when both of them are engaged to people they havent even seen.....imagine that! Then to get home they very much "accidently" end up travelling together. What happens after that is waaay too hilarious. The girl the guy is supposed to marry turns out to be the best friend of the one he falls in love with. And after many mishaps and "funny" incidents, they both end up having their weddings in the same hall. Are they for real? Obviously the director believes in too many coincidences.
The love-sick guy arrives laden on a horse while the he sees the love of his life (yeah right) circling the fire with her to-be-husband. Suddenly, on cue smoke is seen arising from the area where the food is being cooked and fire erupts (so conveniantly) burning the hall and making every body rush to save their lives. May I ask a question? Will ever a mother stand quietly at one side and watch her child get hurt? You might think that Indian movies offer the inevitable but the inevitably funnier thing is that only the bride is left behind the flames, exhibiting a series of fashionable screams while her father cries helplessly and the mother? The mother seems to have totally disappeared. The camera zooms onto the faces of all the people, the woman trying to look scared while urging their mascara to stay intact while the men stare as if attacked by an acute case of constipation. I know that India is making a very healthy developement, far more than Pakistan and I do see fire engines roaring away on our streets, could'nt any of the guests call a fire engine? They all seemed to have gotten amnesia while watching the hero (of course) to ride faithfully and save his betrothed. And this is not all. After making a rather crude declaration of love for each other in front of every one, the father of the guy-stealer (and that too of her best friend!) gives them his blessing and the other poor bride, was as you can predict dissolves into tears. Nope. Not at all. Some mother theresian instinct awakens in her and she makes a gesture as if to say I give up! You can have this fatso, I'll find a much cuter one!.......And the fire rages on. Even a Norman Wisdom movie has not made me laugh so much as this one. Can it ever happen that you go to a wedding and the bride insinuates that she does not want to marry the guy?! And what about all that money which was being scrimped and saved by the parents for a whole one year? Oh yes they have hundreds of trees growing in their gardens which are yielding money instead of leaves and fruits. And as for the hero and his to-be-wife, they will get tired of each other in a day and regret the havoc they created....who cares even??
What angered me was the amount of reality missing from this piece of shit. All Indian movies portray one essential disbelief : All is well that ends well. This is not so. Nobody's life is perfect. I once saw a cartoon of Baby Blues where the Dad is reading a fairy tale to his kids:
Dad :....and they lived happily ever after.
Zoe : How can they live happily ever after? Did'nt they get chicken pox or a case of yellow fever or something?
Dad :Yes but this is just a story!
Zoe : Even then how can they live happily ever after?!?!
Since child hood we have read this phrase so many times that it has crusted and gotten mold in the years ahead. Removing children from reality is a very dangerous thing to do and to imply that life has no problems and troubles. So what if you tell kids that :
Snow White poisoned her husband? (Like mother like daughter)
Cindrella fell down the stairs in her glass slippers and broke her neck?
Ariel got fished out and was cooked and smoked?
Sleeping Beauty ate sleeping pills?
Belle got eaten by her beast of a husband?
Pinnochio is a liar?
Mulan was a racist?
Hansal and Gretal were canibals?
THIS is reality.....well not so candidly but what the heck, children nowadays learn much more worse from the internet.
As for me I seriously regret the 2 hours I wasted on this thing. Come to think of it maybe it has one main lesson for me : Not to ever watch a movie of my Aunt's choice!
The love-sick guy arrives laden on a horse while the he sees the love of his life (yeah right) circling the fire with her to-be-husband. Suddenly, on cue smoke is seen arising from the area where the food is being cooked and fire erupts (so conveniantly) burning the hall and making every body rush to save their lives. May I ask a question? Will ever a mother stand quietly at one side and watch her child get hurt? You might think that Indian movies offer the inevitable but the inevitably funnier thing is that only the bride is left behind the flames, exhibiting a series of fashionable screams while her father cries helplessly and the mother? The mother seems to have totally disappeared. The camera zooms onto the faces of all the people, the woman trying to look scared while urging their mascara to stay intact while the men stare as if attacked by an acute case of constipation. I know that India is making a very healthy developement, far more than Pakistan and I do see fire engines roaring away on our streets, could'nt any of the guests call a fire engine? They all seemed to have gotten amnesia while watching the hero (of course) to ride faithfully and save his betrothed. And this is not all. After making a rather crude declaration of love for each other in front of every one, the father of the guy-stealer (and that too of her best friend!) gives them his blessing and the other poor bride, was as you can predict dissolves into tears. Nope. Not at all. Some mother theresian instinct awakens in her and she makes a gesture as if to say I give up! You can have this fatso, I'll find a much cuter one!.......And the fire rages on. Even a Norman Wisdom movie has not made me laugh so much as this one. Can it ever happen that you go to a wedding and the bride insinuates that she does not want to marry the guy?! And what about all that money which was being scrimped and saved by the parents for a whole one year? Oh yes they have hundreds of trees growing in their gardens which are yielding money instead of leaves and fruits. And as for the hero and his to-be-wife, they will get tired of each other in a day and regret the havoc they created....who cares even??
What angered me was the amount of reality missing from this piece of shit. All Indian movies portray one essential disbelief : All is well that ends well. This is not so. Nobody's life is perfect. I once saw a cartoon of Baby Blues where the Dad is reading a fairy tale to his kids:
Dad :....and they lived happily ever after.
Zoe : How can they live happily ever after? Did'nt they get chicken pox or a case of yellow fever or something?
Dad :Yes but this is just a story!
Zoe : Even then how can they live happily ever after?!?!
![]() |
Happily ever after huh?! |
Snow White poisoned her husband? (Like mother like daughter)
Cindrella fell down the stairs in her glass slippers and broke her neck?
Ariel got fished out and was cooked and smoked?
Sleeping Beauty ate sleeping pills?
Belle got eaten by her beast of a husband?
Pinnochio is a liar?
Mulan was a racist?
Hansal and Gretal were canibals?
THIS is reality.....well not so candidly but what the heck, children nowadays learn much more worse from the internet.
As for me I seriously regret the 2 hours I wasted on this thing. Come to think of it maybe it has one main lesson for me : Not to ever watch a movie of my Aunt's choice!
Monday, 19 September 2011
An Ode to my "Mother"
Although, living with her for about 18 years, for the first 13 years I was not aware of her presence as some one who loved me so much. She was just another person in my life, an "aunt", my fathers sister and in a society where phuphus are thought to be wicked, sly and cunning, she is just the opposite. S (name not mentioned) did a very good job of keeping us alienated from her, and so we never got a chance to bond. But fate finally did shine on us when I turned 13, giving us a chance to talk freely and share our thoughts. She is the type of person I have never known another one, a unique piece of God's creation. She is sweet, caring, thoughtful and ironically, though she is not our biological mother, me and my sister are her spiritual daughters.
She is a woman-child. Instead of punishing you, she will cry which starts to make one feel guilty enough. You will always hear her talking about us, "I have to buy that for Saneela......and buy that for Nabeela". Even in a shop, she always buys stuff for us first and then we have to remind her to get something for herself too. When ever I get off from college and am feeling grouchy about my day, she will always sit at the table with me, listening to my useless talk, even if she is doggone tired. She takes a lot of extra care about our birthdays or if my friends are coming, worrying about the dinner every second. I can share any thing and every thing with her. Her favourite past time: talking on the phone and that too with K phuphu hours on end. She keeps secrets really well and worries about us so much, she busts a vein in her forehead trying to keep pace with us and our daily lives.
She is one of the many people whom I can't think of even living without and at the end of the day, when my certain expectations get hurt or if I don't do good in any exam, I know she is there to listen and help and guide me.
She is a woman-child. Instead of punishing you, she will cry which starts to make one feel guilty enough. You will always hear her talking about us, "I have to buy that for Saneela......and buy that for Nabeela". Even in a shop, she always buys stuff for us first and then we have to remind her to get something for herself too. When ever I get off from college and am feeling grouchy about my day, she will always sit at the table with me, listening to my useless talk, even if she is doggone tired. She takes a lot of extra care about our birthdays or if my friends are coming, worrying about the dinner every second. I can share any thing and every thing with her. Her favourite past time: talking on the phone and that too with K phuphu hours on end. She keeps secrets really well and worries about us so much, she busts a vein in her forehead trying to keep pace with us and our daily lives.
She is one of the many people whom I can't think of even living without and at the end of the day, when my certain expectations get hurt or if I don't do good in any exam, I know she is there to listen and help and guide me.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Keep On Moving
"When you truly want something in life, the whole universe helps you in achieving it."
This is something that I read when I was just seven. At that time, my immature mind could not sum up the meaning of these few meagre words. How can the whole universe help one single person to rise to the heights of his achievement? Aren't people supposed to be selfish? But, now ten years later, I can fully understand the depth of this sentence. When we truly want something, we work hard to gain it, we fully maximize our potential and abilities to attain that accessory. Our whole life is centered on that one objective. It haunts us in our dreams, our thoughts, almost the very being of our soul. And, after all this, when we are unable to achieve it, we gloom about in the misery of it, clanging our heavy, imaginary chains like the begot ted old Scrooge. The ghosts come and haunt us, one by one, to remind us of our failure, of our unworthiness. We feel as if a part of us has been torn away, broken, lying away in some bloody mess. You blame yourself, giving yourself no mercy. Others look at you with pity in their eyes, not talking about it and you hate them. Hate them for not understanding how your life is totally over, about adopting a smile-and-move-on type of behaviour when you are going through a very traumatic phase of your life. You especially hate them for NOT talking to you about it.
What you don't think about is, what is going to happen after this? Will I go on weeping for my lost beloved till I'm 30? Or am I gonna carry on even after that. We read the famous saying a thousand times, but always forget about it when we need it the most : "When one door is closed, many more doors open."

So, that is what we should all do. Smile hard, laugh more, worry less and live long!
Saturday, 13 August 2011
The Inexplicible Truth
It never fails. Your snack-attack which lasts about every 10 minutes has finally reaped fruit. Whenever you eat something, is the time when your relatives feel the need for visiting your house. And when you are secretly eyeing the delicious, mouth-watering edibles tacked in the kitchen, feeling the smack of your mother's fingers on your head,"Leave it for the guests!", while you stare up at her, what guests? And go to bed to dream of the grub lining the cabinets of the scullery like soldiers.Well, it couldn't attract more Murphy's Law could it? First, your mother's aunt telephones that she is just minutes away from your house along with her three devils and has called to "inform" you about their stay, "By the way, your house has a green gate or a black one?"......when there is no food in the house! You regret having to eat that large bag of Cheetos while listening to your mother searching for it. You quietly tell her about its present state (empty and rumpled in the dust-bin) and amidst her shrieks of anxiety on account of having no chow in the house, set about opening a stale packet of biscuits. The situation can't get any worse when "she" arrives. While watching her three kids scramble about like monkeys, your mother's aunt sweetly says,"Oh! Boys will be boys. Watch around for them will you?" You nod your head like a jack-in-a-box while pondering over the merits of being single and unmarried.
Just then the telephone rings (again!) and you are hit with a was your best-friend-for-life's birthday! How could you have forgotten? You hm and aah over the other end, listening to why she is a better friend than you while keeping your eyes on the look out for the three musketeers. You think, you could always surprise her next year.
The death-eaters close around you sucking away your happiness as you put down the receiver and obtain your formal job. Just then the door-bell rings (again!) and by peeking through your fingers you see a horde of relatives swarm in like bee's, heading for the main door. You mom has a permanent smile etched on her face while you know she is thinking exactly the same thing. "Oh God! Couldn't they have at least told us before hand that they were coming?", while you add, " None of them showed up on my birthday!". Sandwiched between two relatives while trying to keep the little ones at bay you think, maybe it's just one of those days.
Just as when introduced to your cute distant cousin, it's best not to exclaim and point out, "Oh, glad to have you here but our fridge is a bit under-stocked."
Just then the telephone rings (again!) and you are hit with a was your best-friend-for-life's birthday! How could you have forgotten? You hm and aah over the other end, listening to why she is a better friend than you while keeping your eyes on the look out for the three musketeers. You think, you could always surprise her next year.
The death-eaters close around you sucking away your happiness as you put down the receiver and obtain your formal job. Just then the door-bell rings (again!) and by peeking through your fingers you see a horde of relatives swarm in like bee's, heading for the main door. You mom has a permanent smile etched on her face while you know she is thinking exactly the same thing. "Oh God! Couldn't they have at least told us before hand that they were coming?", while you add, " None of them showed up on my birthday!". Sandwiched between two relatives while trying to keep the little ones at bay you think, maybe it's just one of those days.
Just as when introduced to your cute distant cousin, it's best not to exclaim and point out, "Oh, glad to have you here but our fridge is a bit under-stocked."
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Mum! Can You Walk in my shoes for a minute??
To all those who are reading this right now, dont't think that I would ever want to get a 2-hour lecture after my mom finds out my dirty and not to mention, filthy sneakers. Speaking literally, our parents dont seem to understand us. This is the litany every parent is beseeched by from their kids. And specifically speaking, teenagers. Because as this is an unforgotten fact among our older generation that parents and their kids live on entirely different planets. Our parents used to come home to a close-knit family, a homely family dinner, relatives swarming in like bees and all in all a happy, non-technical atmosphere. Today, kids come home to computers, laptops, nintendoes, play-stations. Dinner is in front of the television. Kids have acssess to I-phones and ipods and ipads and are so engrossed into it that they dont even have the time to face their parents, let alone tell them about their day. Its like a joke that I tease my parents about like "Hey! Did you guys fall asleep 60 years ago and woke up today? Just like Rip Wan Vinkle?
"Times have changed! The world you were living in is no more!" These sentences probably sound a bit harsh but what can you say when your dad does not even try to understand the world you live in? Kids in the olden days used to bow to their parents each and every wish, from the clothes they buy, what should they eat to whom they should get married to. Nowadays, kids tend to question each and every obligation of their parents. Why? Because each generation is different from the next. The people living before they did were probably more old fashioned and different people. And the generation after my generation will probably be...well...helluva lot! But, seriously, my dad was a top student in Biology and still he's not clear with the definition of "Evolution"?
Just yesterday I was watching Freaky Friday in which the souls of a mother and her teenage daughter are transferred into each others bodies which led to me thinking that how blissfully easy it would be that parents understand the world of their children AND their children understand theirs. Parents are not the only ones to blame you know.
Growing up with their children is one of the best things a parent can do. Learning about them. What they like to do, how they think, what are their opinions, realizing their children are not complete replicas of them. Sadly, parents today don't do that. Speaking personally, my dad talks to me a lot. A lot. But he does'nt really know me. He thinks i'm so shy that i can't even go and buy a thing in a shop. He wouldn't expect a BIG thing from me like going up on a platform and speaking. But, the situation that i have seen in other families really devastates me. Parents dont even care to listen if their child wants to say something. "Dad! I want to speak something really very important!" and the "Dad" is staring faithfully at his beloved television screen where arsenal is beating manchester united's butt. "Mom! Will you please listen to me for a second?" and the "Mom" is talking (as usual) on the phone, probably gossiping about her next-door neighbour.
Parents are a unique species found on this Earth. You cant live with them, you cant live without them. I once read somewhere (ok it was in an old readers digest, cutting out the "somewhere" crap) that:
In my house, my sister who is five years older than me is the "zygote". Not a fetus, not an embryo, not even a fertilized egg. She is the zygote, which makes me extinct. Im not even been born yet. In my own house. My grandmother spoils us literally so much, from serving us at the table, making breakfast for us to even fetching a glass of water for us anytime. But nevertheless she does say sometimes, "Now you two are grown up. You should do all your work by yourself!" While me and my sister stare at her with our mouths hung wide open. Isn't that just totally, freakinly and seriously creepy?
I once went to a museum where a saw a picture of three chimpanzees. Big...bigger.....and biggest. All of them sitting in a row, picking out and eating the nits and lice of their younger generation. Maybe thats what our parents do. Eat out our problems and worries and not understand them. Swallow them without chewing and tasting them. Maybe thats one of the evidences that man is a descended from an ancestor similar to the new world monkey.
"Times have changed! The world you were living in is no more!" These sentences probably sound a bit harsh but what can you say when your dad does not even try to understand the world you live in? Kids in the olden days used to bow to their parents each and every wish, from the clothes they buy, what should they eat to whom they should get married to. Nowadays, kids tend to question each and every obligation of their parents. Why? Because each generation is different from the next. The people living before they did were probably more old fashioned and different people. And the generation after my generation will probably be...well...helluva lot! But, seriously, my dad was a top student in Biology and still he's not clear with the definition of "Evolution"?
Just yesterday I was watching Freaky Friday in which the souls of a mother and her teenage daughter are transferred into each others bodies which led to me thinking that how blissfully easy it would be that parents understand the world of their children AND their children understand theirs. Parents are not the only ones to blame you know.
Growing up with their children is one of the best things a parent can do. Learning about them. What they like to do, how they think, what are their opinions, realizing their children are not complete replicas of them. Sadly, parents today don't do that. Speaking personally, my dad talks to me a lot. A lot. But he does'nt really know me. He thinks i'm so shy that i can't even go and buy a thing in a shop. He wouldn't expect a BIG thing from me like going up on a platform and speaking. But, the situation that i have seen in other families really devastates me. Parents dont even care to listen if their child wants to say something. "Dad! I want to speak something really very important!" and the "Dad" is staring faithfully at his beloved television screen where arsenal is beating manchester united's butt. "Mom! Will you please listen to me for a second?" and the "Mom" is talking (as usual) on the phone, probably gossiping about her next-door neighbour.
Parents are a unique species found on this Earth. You cant live with them, you cant live without them. I once read somewhere (ok it was in an old readers digest, cutting out the "somewhere" crap) that:
Human Beings are the only species who let their children come homeAs far as they are the most and only loving, sincere and caring people in this world, they tend to be tad contradictory. First they smother their child with love, affection, care and cuddles (nothing wrong with that) but in that process they dont (some, speaking in a general perspective) show their child what the outside world looks like. What sort of people there are, what sins and bad things are being dont in this world. Most parents dont even tell their child about sexual abuse, forgetting that the problem lies in not talking about it. They hide so many things from their children. But when their off spring grows up and is ready to face the world, they push their child out with a vigorous passion, not thinking that their "embryo" does not even know half the things a mature person should be aware of.
In my house, my sister who is five years older than me is the "zygote". Not a fetus, not an embryo, not even a fertilized egg. She is the zygote, which makes me extinct. Im not even been born yet. In my own house. My grandmother spoils us literally so much, from serving us at the table, making breakfast for us to even fetching a glass of water for us anytime. But nevertheless she does say sometimes, "Now you two are grown up. You should do all your work by yourself!" While me and my sister stare at her with our mouths hung wide open. Isn't that just totally, freakinly and seriously creepy?
I once went to a museum where a saw a picture of three chimpanzees. Big...bigger.....and biggest. All of them sitting in a row, picking out and eating the nits and lice of their younger generation. Maybe thats what our parents do. Eat out our problems and worries and not understand them. Swallow them without chewing and tasting them. Maybe thats one of the evidences that man is a descended from an ancestor similar to the new world monkey.
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