Saturday 13 August 2011

The Inexplicible Truth

     It never fails. Your snack-attack which lasts about every 10 minutes has finally reaped fruit. Whenever you eat something, is the time when your relatives feel the need for visiting your house. And when you are secretly eyeing the delicious, mouth-watering edibles tacked in the kitchen, feeling the smack of your mother's fingers on your head,"Leave it for the guests!", while you stare up at her, what guests? And go to bed to dream of the grub lining the cabinets of the scullery like soldiers.Well, it couldn't attract more Murphy's Law  could it?                                                                                                                             First, your mother's aunt telephones that she is just minutes away from your house along with her three devils and has called to "inform" you about their stay, "By the way, your house has a green gate or a black one?"......when there is no food in the house! You regret having to eat that large bag of Cheetos while listening to your mother searching for it. You quietly tell her about its present state (empty and rumpled in the dust-bin) and amidst her shrieks of anxiety on account of having no chow in the house, set about opening a stale packet of biscuits. The situation can't get any worse when "she" arrives. While watching her three kids scramble about like monkeys, your mother's aunt sweetly says,"Oh! Boys will be boys. Watch around for them will you?" You nod your head like a jack-in-a-box while pondering over the merits of being single and unmarried.
    Just then the telephone rings (again!) and you are hit with a was your best-friend-for-life's birthday! How could you have forgotten? You hm and aah over the other end, listening to why she is a better friend than you while keeping your eyes on the look out for the three musketeers. You think, you could always surprise her next year. 
   The death-eaters close around you sucking away your happiness as you put down the receiver and obtain your formal job. Just then the door-bell rings (again!) and by peeking through your fingers you see a horde of relatives swarm in like bee's, heading for the main door. You mom has a permanent smile etched on her face while you know she is thinking exactly the same thing. "Oh God! Couldn't they have at least told us before hand that they were coming?", while you add, " None of them showed up on my birthday!". Sandwiched between two relatives while trying to keep the little ones at bay you think, maybe it's just one of those days.
Just as when introduced to your cute distant cousin, it's best not to exclaim and point out, "Oh, glad to have you here but our fridge is a bit under-stocked."

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